Call for DONATION: Claudio Peña's Fight for the Right to Live in Japan
Our friend Claudio Peña is, despite his being undocumented, a member of Japanese Society, where he lives for so many years as a cook and a drawing artist, and a refugee who experienced political violence targeting himself. It is absolutely unjust that Immigration Bureau of Japan leaves him undocumented and under the threat of deportation.
Peña is about to start again the struggle for the right to live in Japan, to obtain asylum or at least residency permission. He needs your financial support for legal fee.
Donation for Claudio Peña's Legal Fee
Donation for Claudio Peña's Legal Fee
Period: June 26 - August 31, 2020.
Living in Japan so many years, Claudio Peña has hardly any hope of re-establishing his life in Chile. He also has a health problem which makes the enforcement of deportation highly dangerous for his life. Moreover, the political changes in Chile has created the concern of his becoming a target of persecution. Therefore, it is impossible for Pena to accept deportation order.
The Immigration Bureau of Japan detained him twice, for 4 and a half years in total. In this country, no maximum period of immigration detention is legally determined, which makes it regular to implement immigration detention endlessly, ignoring rights and health of detainees, as a means to force them give up their application for asylum or regularization. Therefore, it can be said that immigration detention in Japan is in itself abuse, or even torture.
Nevertheless, Peña endured this abuse, and was released from the detention center on May 25 this year. Now it is time for him to obtain the right to live in this country. He needs approximately 500,000 JPY for legal fee etc. Your donation helps Claudio Peña. Thank you in advance.
June 26, 2020
Kashiwazaki, Masanori, SYI (Syuyosha Yujin-yushi Ichido: Immigration Detainees Friends), in Tokyo.
Phone 080 8844 7318